Membership FAQs
Am I eligible to be a VLP member?
To become a full member you must be registered as an RSLI, RSLT, Registered Deafblind Interpreter or Registered Lipspeaker with the NRCPD, RBSLI or SRLPDC. Trainee members must be regulated TSLIs or TSLTs. VLP perform regular checks to ensure our members remain regulated in order to maintain the high standards of our professions.
Is the membership annual?
Membership is annual and will renew on your VLP joining date.
Do I have to purchase insurance as well?
VLP offers a great deal on PII and PLI through our partners at MFL, however members are welcome to use any insurer and are not obliged to go through VLP.
Can trainees access all VLP resources?
Yes! We started welcoming trainee SLIs and SLTs a few years ago and they are welcome to access all available VLP resources. We even have a trainee support network and are planning to offer even more to trainees in future.
Are there any additional costs?
Other than the cost of membership, all other costs are optional to our members. Many members choose to take advantage of our partnership deals with MFL insurance, however this is an optional extra. VLP offer many hours of free webinar CPD every year, accessible live or by watching the recording later. Small group live training is also offered, at which attendance is limited, and these are offered at cost to members. VLP has also staged many successful face-to-face and online conferences.
I am Deaf, can I join?
Of course! Deaf members are most welcome in VLP. All of our training and events are accessible in both BSL and English. We value the input of Deaf professionals in our community.
I am a Lipspeaker, are your resources relevant to us?
VLP has welcomed Lipspeaking professionals for a number of years and has a Lipspeaker on the Board of Directors. The organisation strives to ensure that a majority of our training topics are relevant to all of our members, although some may inevitably focus on either interpreting or Lipspeaking. We always welcome feedback relating to training topics that would be useful to different membership groups.